Friday, March 27, 2009

Weak Signal Digital FM - DominoEX

The March QST has several interesting articles in it. One of the most interesting concerns a mode called DominoEX. Quotes from the article by Steve Ford, WB8IMY, concerning experiments by Skip, KH6TY:

" run some tests with ordinary 2 meter FM mobile rigs and horizontally polarized gain antennas. To Skip's amazement, he was able to use the 8 baud form of DominoEX to send and receive text significantly lower than what is commonly experienced with SSB."

"...because DominoEX 8 can copy 12 db under the noise. It works just fine under FM limiting ..."

"...hams who have only FM transceivers (with no SSB capability), can now join SSB operators in chasing 2M DX ..."

DominoEX is part of the free Fldigi software for Linux and Windows at . Wow! ...AR


  1. By sheer coincidence Ray VK4ZW, Gerard VK4TGL and I played around with FM domino just last night. Although we were on 6m rather than 2m, I'm happy to report similar experiences a those mentioned above.
    Thanks for the article.
    Tim Roberts

  2. Good to know that 6M is also a good place for this method! Thanks for the post, Tim!
    73, Gene.

  3. This is great stuff... because there a lot of mobile FM stuff out there at reasonable prices compared to 2m SSB gear.
