Friday, April 03, 2009

Lookup SWL Frequencies

The NASWA Shortwave Listening Guide is a really amazing online tool for SWLing!

Take a look at

You can look up what stations are on THIS HOUR so you know where to tune or you can look up programs by content to find out when they are on.

The listing comes up by Time, but can be sorted by the other columns. You can sort by Target and get all the broadcasts aimed at the Americas, or you can sort by Frequency to see where everything is located. In addition, the topic of the program is also given.

I'll be using the "What's on Now?" feature a lot. I like to know what I'm looking for, so this should really help.

Give it a try - I plan to! ... AR

1 comment:

  1. I used to use the "Passport to World Band Radio" books to do this function. Now, I know, hey, "what's on now" !
