Sunday, May 31, 2009


The National Hurricane Center conducted a communications test on Saturday, May 30. Their primary frequency was 14.325. Stations were instructed to check in and give their local weather. I imagine they had tons of check-ins.

They also were taking check-ins on IRLP Node 9219. I linked in to the NHC net using Kevin's (KD5RHF) repeater (Node 3487) on 146.535 simplex. This was about 2 pm Saturday afternoon.

The net control was DU2EX in Germany. When he called for check-ins, I answered with my call sign and he acknowledged me. I was not familiar with the process and gave my wx report too soon. DU2EX then accepted and acknowledged other check-ins.

At the end of the check-in list, he passed control to WX4NHC at the Hurricane Center. The station accepting WX reports then called me for my report. I gave my location and the temperature. He asked for my name and I responded that information. Then he thanked me and went on to the next station.

Very interesting support for the NHC when the next hurricane heads to the U.S.

I just want to thank Kevin (KD5RHF) for making this mode of communication available ... AR

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you continue to use the IRLP. Were you able to make contact on 20m ?
